The Day School Initiative

The Day School Initiative (DSI) helps Jewish day schools add Israel content to their curriculum and enhance teaching methods through curricula provision, professional development seminars, and mentoring.

Building on the success of previous years, consulting continues to be customized and tailored to each day school’s needs. Options may include: discovery sessions for new applicants, hourly rates for limited projects or packages for full support. The deadline for applications is July 31st for implementation in the fall and spring semesters.

  • As a participating school, you will decide on appropriate and attainable Israel education goals for your setting. TGD Consulting will help you achieve those goals with a tailored professional development plan.  Examples of goals may include, but are not limited to:

    • Boosting the Israel education curriculum before and after an Israel trip

    • Creating a spiral curriculum framework for all grades

    • Integrating units between General and Judaic Studies

    • Supporting shlichim and on-boarding new employees each year with online learning modules

    • Infusing primary sources and perspective for grasping Israel’s centrality to Jewish identity

    • Teaching Israel all year long, and not just before the important days or holidays

    • Expanding family programming to promote Israel education beyond the classroom

    • Designing board and key stakeholder activities to foster support and understanding for the need to dedicate school resources to Israel education

    • Fostering student connections with Israel as a way to keep Israel central to their identity after they graduate

    • Enhancing Israel knowledge as a means of creating effecting Israel advocacy

    For communities and regional organizations seeking to boost Israel education at more than one school site, please contact Dr. Tal Grinfas-David to discuss our community-wide professional development opportunities and offerings.

    • consulting sessions with school administrators to plan and align TGD Consulting offerings for your school’s needs and goals

    • professional development sessions with faculty members focused on Israel content knowledge and curriculum implementation

    • Member units specially designed and selected by TGD Consulting and delivered throughout as needed

    • sessions for parents, board members, stakeholders, donors and lay-leaders in your community

  • As TGD Consulting is investing considerable resources in each school, we kindly request that schools do all they can to ensure the success of their own determined goals. This includes:

    • Designating a point person in the school who will communicate with TGD Consulting and with the school faculty and administration to coordinate efforts, resolve challenges, plan for the future and supervise logistics.

    • Providing an annual report to TGD Consulting about progress made toward achieving goals.

    • Allowing teachers the necessary time to develop and implement ideas in their classrooms.

    • Providing TGD Consulting with supporting files in a timely fashion (budget, school profile, measurable outcomes, videos and pictures capturing the school’s initiative, etc.)

  • Please complete/submit the following:

    1. A signed Memorandum of Understanding by your head of school—The MOU is customizable for your school’s setting and population.  

    2. A detailed school profile—please include specifics on your schools affiliations, campus, number of faculty and students, and current Israel education programming, trips and curricula by grade.  

    3. An initial draft of two or three goals you are thinking about for your school to boost Israel education. Please provide your school goals as a Word document.

    Submit to Dr. Tal Grinfas-David via email at

    Soon after your acceptance, you will be asked to video conference with Tal to determine next steps and turn your goals into measurable outcomes. Please be prepared to assemble an Israel education committee of teachers and administrators who are excited and ready to plan for the future!

    We encourage you to use this initiative in multiple ways to benefit your school, such as including it in your re-accreditation reports, school improvement plans, marketing and recruitment for new families, and in general, touting your accomplishments and dedication to Israel education.

    Please note that school acceptance is on a first come first serve basis and you may be asked to join a waitlist for a number of months. Thank you for your understanding!

  • For details about pricing, determining the scope of support and defining your goals, please contact Dr. Tal Grinfas-David and request a meeting.

Let’s Get Started!

Click here to download your application which includes the MOU, the school profile and your desired goals.

Have questions? Please fill out the form below to get in touch with Dr. Tal Grinfas-David.